SBQ - March, 23 2006

Have you ever participated in a needlework mystery (i.e., a design that you started before knowing how it will look in the end and by which you receive parts of the design via the internet, magazines, or leaflets at spaced intervals)? If so, why did you decide to do the mystery? What appealed to you about it? Did you enjoy it? If you have not done a mystery, would you ever do one?

Well, I've never participate on this kind of project. But It must be exciting. Although, I'm not sure if I 'll participate on one some time... maybe it's a motif that I don't like... but maybe it could be a gift to somebody...

If you know any site that organize one of these mistery projects, tell me please

3 comentarios:

nela dijo...

lol... me has hecho reir, varias cosa, revisa enlace de ali, esta en mi blog ella comenta como hacer que el menu lateral suba, tienes problemas pues las imagenes estan muy grandes, segundo Lolo y yo no somos de España, si no de Venezuela, y pertenecemos al mundo magico de Mayté, el blog de mayte esta en referencia en el mio, Mercedes ya no pertenece a el MPC pero es uuna buena amiga, besos nela

Bea dijo...

Gracias Nela, lo de la barra derecha del blog, no me había dado cuenta, pq yo no utilizo Internet Explorer , y con Mozilla se ve perfecto.

Ahora mismo voy a tu blog a ver ese post de Ali.

Muchas Gracias!! Por el consejo y por tus comentarios!!


nela dijo...

de nada a tu orden